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Science After Dark:

Star Wars – Return of the Eclipse

In a galaxy not so far away, where the forces of science and fandom collide, the Museum of Discovery presents an epic night of adventure like no other – it’s time for “Star Wars: Return of the Eclipse”! [Cue John Williams 🎶] As we await the 2024 Great Solar Eclipse, we’re celebrating all things space by partying for one night like we’re in a galactic wonderland. Jedi astronomers and lightsaber demos await you. Dive into the Star Wars Cantina, where cosmic cocktails, Stone Throw beer, and pizza treats await. May the Force be with you on this unforgettable night! You must be at least 21 to attend. Admission is $5 or free for members with pizza, beer, and cocktails available for purchase.

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Date & Time:

February 29, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Museum of Discovery

Science After Dark

Event Details

In a galaxy not so far away, where the forces of science and fandom collide, the Museum of Discovery presents an epic night of adventure like no other – it’s time for “Star Wars: Return of the Eclipse”!
[Cue John Williams 🎶]
As we await the 2024 Great Solar Eclipse, we’re celebrating all things space by partying for one night like we’re in a galactic wonderland. Jedi astronomers and lightsaber demos await you. Dive into the Star Wars Cantina, where cosmic cocktails, Stone Throw beer, and pizza treats await. May the Force be with you on this unforgettable night!
You must be at least 21 to attend. Admission is $5 or free for members with pizza, beer, and cocktails available for purchase.